姓 名:王景丽
系 属:石油工程系
职 称:副研究员/副教授
学 位:理学博士
邮 箱:wangjl@yau.edu.cn
毕业院校:西北大学 (地质学系)
1. NSFC青年基金:鲁山太华杂岩的Pb同位素地球化学研究及其构造意义,主持(2019.01~2021.12)
2. 延安大学博士科研启动项目:鲁山地区麻粒岩地体的同位素年代学研究及其地质意义,主持(2023.01~2026.01)
3. 陕西省地震局启航与创新基金:秦岭北麓断裂带眉县汤峪温泉的C、He及H-O等同位素地球化学研究,主持(2017.05~2019.05)
4. NSFC面上项目:华北克拉通下地壳麻粒岩的Pb同位素组成,参与(2015.01~2018.12)
5. 国家矿产储量委:瓦窑堡油田史家畔区新增石油探明储量计算,参与(2010.10~2012.0)
1. 王景丽*, 张宏福. 华北克拉通南缘下地壳麻粒岩地体的形成与演化. 岩石学报, 2022, 38(12): 3819-3834.(SCI 二区)
2. Wang J.L., Zhou X.C.*, He M., Li J.C., Dong J.Y., Tian J., Yan Y.C., Li Y., Liu K.Y., Li Y.* Hydrogeochemical origin and circulation of spring waters along the Karakorum fault, Western Tibetan Plateau: Implications for interaction between hydrosphere and lithosphere, Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022, 10: 1021550. (SCI 三区)
3. Tan F.R., Li Y., Xie Z.Q., Bian X.W., Du F.P., Liu S.M., Lu P., Wang J.L.* Geochemical Characteristics of the Jurassic Alkane Gas in the Muli Depression, South Qilian Basin: Implications for Potential of Light Oil and Condensate, Frontiers in Earth Science, 2022, 10: 898629.(SCI 三区)
4. Wang J.L.*, Zhang H.F.*, Zhang J., Santosh M., Bao Z.A. 2020. Highly heterogeneous Pb isotope composition in the Archean continental lower crust: Insights from the high-grade metamorphic suite of the Taihua Group, Southern North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 350, 105927. (SCI 一区Top)
5. 王景丽, 张宏福*. 2016. 华北克拉通古老麻粒岩纪录的三期构造-岩浆事件. 岩石学报, 32(3): 682-696. (SCI 二区)
6. Zhang H.F.*, Wang J.L., Zhou D.W., Yang Y.H., Zhang G.W., Santosh M., Yu H. and Zhang J. 2014. Hadean to Neoarchean episodic crustal growth: Detrital zircon records in Paleoproterozoic quartzites from the southern North China Craton, Precambrian Research, 254: 245-257. (SCI 一区Top)
7. Zhang J.*, Zhang H.F., Li L., Wang J.L. 2018. Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the southern margin of the North China Craton: insights from geochemical and zircon U–Pb–Hf–O isotopic study of metavolcanic rocks in the Dengfeng Complex. Precambrian Research, 318: 103-121. (SCI 一区Top)
8. Li Y., Liang W.T., Zhang G.W., Ran Y.Z., Shen Q., Wang J.L., Jin C.S. 2018. Granitoid emplacement during syn-convergent transtension: An example from the Huamenlou pluton in North Qinling, central China. Geoscience Frontiers, 9: 191-205.(SCI 一区Top)
9. Li Y., Liang W.T., Zhang G.W., Jiang D.Z., Wang J.L. 2017. Tectonic setting of the Late Triassic magmatism in the Qinling Orogen: New constraints from the interplay between granite emplacement and shear zone deformation in the Shagou area. Geological Journal, 52: 250-271. (SCI 三区)
10. Zhang H.F., Zhang J., Zhang G.W., Santosh M., Yu H., Yang Y.H., Wang J.L. 2015. Detrital zircon U-Pb, Lu-Hf, and O isotopes of the Wufoshan Group: Implications for episodic crustal growth and reworking of thesouthern North China craton. Precambrian Research, 273: 112-128. (SCI 一区Top)
11. Liu J., Zhao X.M., Wang X., Wang J.L., Qiu Y.R. 2020. Study on the relationship between radon characteristics of underground water and seismicity in the Longxian-Baoji fault zone, NW China. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 569, 012010. (EI)