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姓 名:王恒力

系 属:石油工程系

职 称:讲师

学 位:博士

邮 箱:wanghengli1992@163.com




王恒力,男,1991年生,陕西渭南人,现任延安大学石油工程学院讲师,主讲渗流力学课程。长期从事非常规油气渗流理论与应用、油气田开发理论及系统工程研究,致力于非常规油气资源高效生产并助力实现2060碳中和目标。研究领域主要包括:二氧化碳埋存及提高采收率、致密气藏开发、水驱油藏渗流理论系统分析等。已发表SCI论文18篇,中文核心2篇,国际会议论文2篇,授权发明专利4件。担任《Transport in porous medial》、《Geoenergy Science and Engineering》、《Langmuir》期刊审稿人。本课题组欢迎具有远大志向青年同学的加入,共同助力非常规油气资源高效开发。






1. Hengli Wang, Leng Tian, Daihong Gu, Mei Li, Xiaolong Chai, Yicong Yang. Method for Calculating Non‑Darcy Flow Permeability in Tight Oil Reservoir. Transport in porous media. 2020, 133, 357-372.

2. Hengli Wang, Leng Tian, Kai Kang, Bo Zhang, Guangming Li, Kaiqiang Zhang. Characterization of Ultrasonic-Induced Wettability Alteration under Subsurface Conditions. Langmuir, 2022, 38, 514-522.(二区Top)

3. Hengli Wang, Leng Tian, Kaiqiang Zhang, Zongke Liu, Can Huang, Lili Jiang, Xiaolong Chai. How Is Ultrasonic-Assisted CO2 EOR to Unlock Oils from Unconventional Reservoirs? Sustainability, 2021, 13, 10010.

4. Hengli Wang, Leng Tian, Xiaolong Chai, Jiaxin Wang, Kaiqiang Zhang. Effect of pore structure on recovery of CO2 miscible flooding efficiency in low permeability reservoirs. Journal of petroleum science and engineering, 2022, 208, 109305.(一区Top)

5. Hengli Wang, Leng Tian, Minghui Huo, Shuwen Xu, Zongke Liu, Kaiqiang Zhang. Dynamic track model of miscible CO2 geological utilizations with complex microscopic pore-throat structures. Fuel, 2022, 322, 124192.(一区Top)

6. Leng Tian, Hengli Wang, Tao Wu, Haien Yang, Shuwen Xu, Xiaolong Chai, Kaiqiang Zhang. In-depth analysis of ultrasonic-induced geological pore re-structures. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 2022, 85, 105990.(一区Top)

7. Guangfeng Liu, Hengli Wang*, Jiachao Tang, Zongke Liu, Daoyong Yang. Effect of wettability on oil and water distribution and production performance in a tight sandstone reservoir. Fuel, 2023, 341, 127680.(一区Top)

8. Xiaolong Chai, Leng Tian, Ge Wang, Kaiqiang Zhang,* Hengli Wang, Long Peng, Jianguo Wang. Integrated Hierarchy-Correlation Model for Evaluating Water-Driven Oil Reservoir. ACS Omega, 2021, 6, 34460-34469.

9. Shihui Huang, Leng Tian,* Jinshui Zhang, Xiaolong Chai, Hengli Wang, Hongling Zhang. Support Vector Regression Based on the Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Tight Oil Recovery Prediction. ACS Omega, 2021, 6, 32142-32150.

10. Wentong Zhang,* Zhengfu Ning,* Lei Song, Jie Zhu, Zongke Liu, Hengli Wang. Unveiling the Changes in the Molecular Groups of Tight Sandstones in Response to an Electric Field. ACS Omega, 2021, 6, 29126-29136.

11. Li-Li Jiang, Leng Tian*, Yu-Tao Zhou, Mei Li, Can Huang, Jia-Xin Wang, Heng-Li Wang, Xiao-Long Chai. Prediction of Minimum Miscibility Pressure for CO2 Flooding Based on Microscopic Pore-Throat Structure. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2022, 10, 834951.

12. Leng Tian, Xiaolong Chai, Peng Wang, Hengli Wang. Productivity Prediction Model for Stimulated Reservoir Volume Fracturing in Tight Glutenite Reservoir Considering Fluid-Solid Coupling. Frontiers in Energy Research, 2020, 8, 573817.

13. Xiaolong Chai, Leng Tian, Pengju Dong, Chunyao Wang, Long Peng, Hengli Wang. Study on recovery factor and interlayer interference mechanism of multilayer co-production in tight gas reservoir with high heterogeneity and multi-pressure systems. Journal of petroleum science and engineering, 2022, 210, 109699.(一区Top)

14. Xiaolong Chai, Mengyuan Zhang, Leng Tian, Zhuangming Shi, Hengli Wang, Yutao Zhou. Synthetic model for evaluating CO2 flooding in tight oil reservoir. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2021, 12.

15. Wentong Zhang, Zhengfu Ning, Shaohua Gai, Jie Zhu, Fan Fan, Zongke Liu, Hengli Wang. Fast and effective observations of the pore structure of tight sandstones at the same location by utilizing AFM and CF-SEM. Journal of petroleum science and engineering, 2022, 208, 109554.(一区Top)

16. Wentong Zhang, Zhengfu Ning, Qing Wang, Zhilin Cheng, Zongke Liu, Hengli Wang. Experimental study on the effects of an electric field on the pore characterization in anode, middle and cathode regions of tight sandstone samples. Geoenergy science and engineering, 2023, 223, 211500.

17. Can Huan, Leng Tian, Tianya Zhang, Junjie Chen, Jianbang Wu, Hengli Wang, Jiaxin Wang, Lili Jiang, Kaiqiang Zhang. Globally optimized machine-learning framework for CO2-hydrocarbon minimum miscibility pressure calculations. Fuel, 2022, 329, 125312.(一区Top)

18. Jiaxin Wang, Leng Tian, Zechuan Wang, Zongke Liu, Hengli Wang, Daoyong Yang, Xiaolong Chai, Can Huang, Lili Jiang. Performance evaluation of commingled production in a multilayer oil reservoir based on microscopic pore-throat structures. Fuel, 2023, 348, 128428.(一区Top)

19. 黄灿,田冷,王恒力等.基于条件生成式对抗网络的油藏单井产量预测模型[J].计算物理,2022,39(04):465-478.

20. 柴晓龙,田冷,王恒力,成毅,王嘉新,闫方平.一种利用毛管压力确定致密储层岩石润湿性的方法[J].科学技术与工程,2022,22(31):13730-13737.

21. Hengli Wang, Leng Tian, Mei Li. Study on the variation law of microscopic seepage characteristics of reservoirs in the later stage of waterflooding development. 6th International Conference on Computational and Experimental Science and Engineering, 2019. (会议论文)

22. Leng Tian, Hengli Wang, Xiaolong Chai. Rational allocation of multilayer gas wells with producing water in tight gas reservoirs. IFEDC2019.(会议论文,EI收录)

获 奖:



专 利:

1.田冷,李梅,王恒力,顾岱鸿,柴晓龙,黄灿。一种致密气藏气井开采方式的确定方法及装置,ZL 202010395984.3,发明专利。

2.田冷,孟艳,顾岱鸿,吴浩,王义鹏,黄灿,王恒力。一种多层合采气井井距的确定方法、装置、设备及系统。ZL 201911372431.X,发明专利。

3.田冷,黄灿,黄诗慧,王恒力,柴晓龙。渗流边界的确定方法、装置和设备。ZL 202010841055.0,发明专利。

4.田冷,黄灿,王恒力,顾岱鸿,柴晓龙,李梅。气井配产方法装置及设备。ZL 202010534007.7,发明专利。


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