姓 名:周波
系 属:环境工程系
职 称:讲师
学 位:博士
邮 箱:zhoubo@yau.edu.cn
1. 灌溉条件下黄土地下水系统内源细颗粒释放及携带甲苯共迁移的作用机制,国家自然基金面上项目;
2. 关中平原地下水污染情况调查,国土资源部中国地质调查局项目;
3. 金堆城钼矿镉、汞等环境污染元素分布规律的研究,金堆城钼业集团有限公司项目。
1. Zhou Bo, Wu Yaoguo, Chan Jiangwei, et al (2019) Wetting–drying cycles enhance the release and transport of autochthonous colloidal particles in Chinese loess. Human and Ecological Risk Assessment 25(1-2):335-353.
2. Zhou Bo, Wu Yaoguo, Zhang Zehong, et al (2019) Laboratory tests on effects of wetting–drying cycles and loess layer thickness on release and transport of loess colloidal particles in artificial loess columns. Environmental Earth Sciences 78(15):478.
3. Zhou Bo, Wu Yaoguo, Chan Jiangwei, et al (2019) Batch adsorption and column transport studies of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in Chinese loess. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 103 (1):75-81.
4. Zhou Bo, Zhang Zehong, Wu Yaoguo, et al (2020) Batch adsorption and column leaching studies of aniline in Chinese loess under different hydrochemical conditions. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 104(4):511-519.
5. Zhang Zehong, Wang Le, Zhou Bo*, et al (2021) Adsorption performance and mechanism of synthetic schwertmannite to remove low-concentration Fluorine in water. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2021. 107(6):1191-1201.
6. Lu Cong, Yang Bo, Cui Xing, Wang Sichang, Qu Chengtun, Zhang Weiwei, Zhou Bo* (2021) Characteristics and environmental response of white secondary mineral precipitate in the acid mine drainage from Jinduicheng Mine, Shaanxi, China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 107(6):1012-1021.