姓 名: 孙永秀
系 属: 环境工程系
职 称: 副教授
学 位: 博士
邮 箱:yongxiusun@yau.edu.cn
教学方面,主要承担《环境学》等课程的教学任务,指导一项校级大学生创新创业计划项目和本科生毕业设计工作。科研方面,主要从事景观生态学、恢复生态学、生态系统服务、环境影响评价与规划等方面研究工作,主持校级项目1项,参与科学考察项目1项,发表和合作论文共30余篇,以第一作者发表论文9篇,其中SCI 8篇。
1. 陕北黄土高原地区生态系统服务供需对人类活动的多尺度响应及生态修复优化研究(YAU202303788),延安大学博士科研启动项目,主持;
2. 第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究项目-农牧区生态安全屏障优化体系(2019QZKK0405-05),参与。
1. Yongxiu Sun, Shiliang Liu, Yuhong Dong, Yi An, Fangning Shi, Shikui Dong, Guohua Liu. Spatio-temporal evolution scenarios and the coupling analysis of ecosystem services with land use change in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2019,681: 211-225.
2. Yongxiu Sun, Shiliang Liu, Fangning Shi, Yi An, Mingqi Li, Yixuan Liu. Spatio-temporal variations and coupling of human activity intensity and ecosystem services based on the four-quadrant model on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 2020,743: 140721.
3. Yongxiu Sun, Shiliang Liu, Yixuan Liu, Yuhong Dong, Mingqi Li, Yi An, Fangning Shi, Robert Beazley. Effects of the interaction among climate, terrain and human activities on biodiversity on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Science of the Total Environment,2021,794: 148497.
4. Yongxiu Sun, Shiliang Liu, Chao Liu, Jian Sun, Yixuan Liu, Fangfang Wang. Interactive response and spatial heterogeneity of alpine grassland biodiversity to soil, topography, climate and human factors on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Land Degradation & Development,2023.
5. Yongxiu Sun, Shiliang Liu, Yuhong Dong, Shikui Dong, Fangning Shi. Effects of multi-time scales drought on vegetation dynamics in Qaidam River Basin, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau from 1998 to 2015. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 2020, 141(1): 117-131.
6. Yongxiu Sun, Shiliang Liu, Yixuan Liu, Yuhong Dong, Mingqi Li, Yi An, Fangning Shi. Grazing intensity and human activity intensity datasets on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during 1990–2015. Geoscience Data Journal, 2021, 00: 1-14.
7. Yongxiu Sun, Shiliang Liu, Yixuan Liu, Yuhong Dong, Mingqi Li, Yi An, Fangning Shi. Grazing intensity and human activity intensity datasets on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau during 1990–2015. Science Data Bank, 2020, V1.
8. Yongxiu Sun, Cheng Yan, Yan Wei, Hailiang Xu, Yanli Yao. Influence of topsoil addition on species diversity and aboveground biomass of plant community on the damaged mined land in Altay, China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2017,26(3): 2214-2220.
9. 孙永秀, 严成, 徐海量, 姚艳丽. 受损矿区草原群落物种多样性和地上生物量对覆土厚度的响应. 草业学报, 2017, 26(1):54-62.
获 奖:
1. 2020-2021年度,获得博士研究生“国家奖学金”;
2. 2022年度,获得“周廷儒奖学金”。