姓 名:马灵飞
系 属:环境工程系
职 称:讲师
学 位: 博士
邮 箱:1197782387@qq.com
1.Lingfei Ma, Chaoyi Wang, Haipu Li, Fangyuan Peng*, Zhaoguang Yang. Degradation of geosmin and 2-methylisoborneol in water with UV/chlorine: Influencing factors, reactive species, and possible pathways. Chemosphere[J]. 2018, 211: 1166-1175.
2. Lingfei Ma, Yanfei Wang, Haipu Li, Fangyuan Peng, Bo Qiu, Zhaoguang Yang. Development of QuEChERS-DLLME method for determination of neonicotinoid pesticide residues in grains by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry. Food
Chemistry[J]. 2020, 331: 127190.
3.Lingfei Ma, Fangyuan Peng, Qingqing Dong, Haipu Li, Zhaoguang Yang.Identification of the key biochemical components responsible for the disinfection byproducts in algogenic organic matter. Chemosphere [J] 2022.296: 133998.
4.Lingfei Ma, Fangyuan Peng, Qingqing Dong, Haipu Li, Zhaoguang Yang. The effect of coagulation on the removal of algogenic organic matter and the optical parameters for predicting disinfection byproducts, Separation and Purification Technology[J] 2021, 23: 119906.