姓 名:郭堤
系 属:环境工程系
职 称:讲师
学 位:博士
邮 箱:guodi_123@126.com
研究方向:土壤污染调查与修复(农田、矿区、废弃工业场地)、生态修复。针对工业生产过程中造成的土壤重金属/石油污染(有机污染)问题,(1)首先对土壤污染现状进行调查;(2)根据土壤类型、理化性质,土壤中污染物的类别、污染程度、迁移转化规律,结合企业生产和政府政策实际,采取不同的修复技术(客土、热解、微生物修复、植物修复等),以期达到污染物彻底去除的目的,使污染物含量低于国家农用地安全生 产限值以下;(3)并对后期修复效果进行评估,实现土壤修复和生态恢复相统一。
2020年8月于西北农林科技大学,获得博士学位,后于西北工业大学从事博士后研究,现为延安大学石油工程与环境工程学院讲师,延安市农业固体废弃物资源化利用重点实验室成员,延安大学农业固体废物资源化利用创新团队成员,承担《环境化学》、《环境工程专业英语》和《环境化学实验》课程的教学工作,荣获2023年度考核“优秀”教师。主要从事土壤污染调查与修复,土壤污染植物修复技术,生态修复方面的研究。Agriculture-Basel期刊客座编辑,Journal of Environmental Management,Chemosphere,Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety,《农业环境科学学报》等期刊审稿人,《延安大学学报(自然科学版)》、《当代化工研究》期刊编委。近来年,主持省、市、校级科研项目6项,指导国家级、省级和校级大学生创新训练项目1项,目前以第一作者或通讯作者在Environmental Pollution,Chemosphere,Journal of Environmental Sciences,农业环境科学学报等国内外权威期刊发表SCI论文12篇,中文论文4篇,参与发表论文共计40余篇,申请国家/国际发明专利4项,参与编写专著2项。
1. 铀在油菜根系中的转运及其截留机制研究,陕西省科技厅项目,5万元,2024.01-2025.12(在研,主持人)
2. 油菜根系对于铀的横向运输途径及细胞壁吸附研究,延安大学博士启动项目,40万元,2023.1-2024.12(在研,主持人)
3. 陕北地区石油产业废水、土壤污染及修复现状调研,延安大学资政育人项目,0.5万元,2023.10-2024.09(在研,主持人)
4. 陕北地区石油烃污染土壤电缆细菌/植物强化电动法修复技术开发与应用,延安大学“揭榜挂帅”项目,5万元,2024.1-2025.12(在研,主持人)
5. 固废废弃物资源化利用与处置技术服务项目,横向课题,1.5万元(在研,主持人)
6. 铀在植物根系共质体跨膜运输行为研究,延安大学大学生创新训练项目,0.2万元2023.10-2024.12(在研,主持人)
7. 陕北设施农业畜禽粪便CO2液体肥料的开发与应用,延安市科技局科技专项项目,15万元,2024.01-2025.12(在研,项目联系人)
1. Di Guo, Amjad Ali, Zengqiang Zhang. Streptomyces pactum and sulfur mediated the rhizosphere microhabitats of potherb mustard after a phytoextraction trial. Environmental Pollution, 2021, 116968.
2. Di Guo*, Kunkun Tian, Xinyue Peng et al. Cadmium/zinc stresses and plant cultivation influenced soil microflora: a pot experiment conducted in field. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2024.
3 Di Guo, Chunyan Ren, et al. A phytoextraction trial strengthened by Streptomyces pactum and plant nutrients: in view of plant bioindicators and phytoextraction indices. Environmental Pollution 2020, 264:114867.
4 Di Guo, Chunyan Ren, Amjad Ali, et al. Streptomyces pactum and sulfur mediated the antioxidant enzymes in plant and phytoextraction of potentially toxic elements from a smelter-contaminated soils. Environmental Pollution 2019, 251:37-44.
5 Di Guo, Amjad Ali, Chunyan Ren, et al. EDTA and organic acids assisted phytoextraction of Cd and Zn from a smelter contaminated soil by potherb mustard (Brassica juncea, Coss) and evaluation of its bioindicators. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019, 167:396-403.
6 Di Guo, Chunyan Ren, Amjad Ali, et al. Streptomyces pactum combined with manure compost alters soil fertility and enzymatic activities, enhancing phytoextraction of potentially toxic metals (PTMs) in a smelter-contaminated soil. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019, 181:312-320.
7 Kunkun Tian, Di Guo*. Comparison of the accumulation of toxic metal biomarkers in Asian subgroups and other races in the United States: NHANES 2015–2016. Chemosphere, 2023, 336:139319.(通讯作者)
8 Linlin Wang, Nina Wang, Di Guo*, et al. Rhizobacteria helps to explain the enhanced efficiency of phytoextraction strengthened by Streptomyces pactum. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2023, 125:73-81.(通讯作者)
9 Nina Wang, Jie Ren, Di Guo* et al. A preliminary study to explain how Streptomyces pactum (Act12) works on phytoextraction: soil heavy metal extraction, seed germination, and plant growth.(通讯作者)
10 Amjad Ali1, Di Guo1, Yiman Li, et al. Streptomyces pactum addition to contaminated mining soils improved soil quality and enhanced metals phytoextraction by wheat in a green remediation trial. Chemosphere 2021, 273:129692.(第一作者)
11 Chunyan Ren1, Di Guo1, Xiangyu Liu, et al. Performance of the emerging biochar on the stabilization of potentially toxic metals in smelter- and mining-contaminated soils. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2020, 27:43428-43438.(第一作者)
12 Xiangyu Liu1, Di Guo1, et al. Performance of Streptomyces pactumassisted phytoextraction of Cd and Pb: in view of soil properties, element bioavailibility and phytoextraction indices. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 2020, 27:43514-43525.(第一作者)
13 郭堤, 管伟豆, 张洋, 等. 雪里蕻对于Cd、 Zn的耐性及富集特性研究. 农业环境科学学报, 2020, 302:55-65.(中文核心)
14 郭堤, 郑少杰, 张洋, 等. 固体废物综合处置项目建设前环境监测案例分析. 延安大学学报, 2024.
三、专 利:
1. 郭堤,杨旭元,郑少杰,牛志睿,黄华,任景俞.一种根系细胞壁对于重金属吸附解吸动力学研究装置.
2. 郭堤,郑少杰,杨旭元,牛志睿,黄华,任景俞.重金属在植物根系中质外体运输途径的检测方法.
3. 郭堤,杨旭元,郑少杰,刘世豪,牛志睿,黄华,任景俞.一种非生物胁迫下植物生长状况可视化及根际效应研究装置.
4. Di Guo, Shaojie Zheng, Xuyuan Yang, et al. A plant cultivation device for studying rhizosphere effects of plants.