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姓 名:刘晋波

系 属:环境工程系

职 称:副教授

学 位: 博士

邮 箱:liujinbo@yau.edu.cn




刘晋波,男,1991年生,山西晋城人。2023年获西北农林科技大学土壤学专业博士学位。2023年6月至今,延安大学任教。长期从事根际土壤活性氧的分布特征、形成机制及其潜在环境效应研究。针对以上内容共发表SCI论文14篇,EI论文1篇,以第一作者或通讯作者发表SCI论文7篇,其中中科院一区论文6篇,包括专业权威期刊Environ. Sci. Technol.(IF=11.357,自然指数收录期刊)论文1篇、Environ. Int.(IF=13.352)论文1篇、Crit. Rev. Env. Sci. Tec.(IF=11.75)论文1篇等,累积影响因子88.08.



1. Jinbo Liu, Kecheng Zhu, Chi Zhang, Xuecheng Zhang, Na Chen, Hanzhong Jia*. Microscale spatiotemporal variation and generation mechanisms of reactive oxygen species in the rhizosphere of ryegrass: coupled biotic−abiotic processes. Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56 (22), 16483-16493. (中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF=11.357)

2. Jinbo Liu, Jianjun Qin, Lang Zhu, Kecheng Zhu, Ze Liu, Hanzhong Jia*, Lichtfouse Eric. The protective layer formed by soil particles on plastics decreases the toxicity of polystyrene microplastics to earthworms (Eisenia fetida). Environment International, 2022, 162, 107158. (中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF=13.352)

3. Jinbo Liu, Chi Zhang, Hanzhong Jia*, Lichtfouse Eric, Sharma Virender K. Abiotic transformation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons via interaction with soil components: A systematic review. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 2022, 53 (5), 676-699. (中科院二区, IF=11.75)

4. Jinbo Liu, Song Zhao, Ru Zhang, Yunchao Dai, Chi Zhang, Hanzhong Jia*, Xuetao Guo. How important is abiotic dissipation in natural attenuation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 758: 143687. (中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF=10.754)

5. Jinbo Liu, Ning Gao, Xin Wen, Hanzhong Jia*, Lichtfouse Eric. Plant and algal toxicity of persistent free radicals and reactive oxygen species generated by heating anthracene-contaminated soils from 100 to 600 oC. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2021, 19 (3), 2695-2703. (中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF=13.615)

6. Jinbo Liu, Hanzhong Jia*, Kecheng Zhu, Song Zhao, Lichtfouse Eric. Formation of environmentally persistent free radicals and reactive oxygen species during the thermal treatment of soils contaminated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2020, 18 (4), 1329-1336. (中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF=13.615)

7. Hanzhong Jia, Jinbo Liu*, Kecheng Zhu, Pin Gao, Lichtfouse Eric. High contribution of hydrocarbon transformation during the removal of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from soils, humin and clay by thermal treatment at 100-200 oC. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2020, 18 (3), 923-930. (中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF=13.615)

8. Lang Zhu, Jinbo Liu, Jinyi Zhou, Xintong Wu, Kangjie Yang, Zheng Ni, Ze Liu, Hanzhong Jia*. The overlooked toxicity of environmentally persistent free radicals (EPFRs) induced by anthracene transformation to earthworms (Eisenia fetida). Science of The Total Environment, 2022, 853, 158571. (中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF=10.754)

9. Wenjun Jiang, Kecheng Zhu, Haonan Ma, Jinbo Liu, Chi Zhang, Yuanchao Dai, Hanzhong Jia*. Sulfur-Containing Persistent Free Radicals and Reactive Species on Photoaged Microplastics: Identification and the Formation Mechanism. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57 (23), 8680-8690. (中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF=11.357)

10. Yafang Shi, Chi Zhang, Jinbo Liu, Qingyang Dai, Yuanren Jiang, Mengning Xi, Hanzhong Jia*. Distribution of persistent free radicals in different molecular weight fractions from peat humic acids and their impact in reducing goethite. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 797, 149173. (中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF=10.754)

11. Zheng Ni, Chi Zhang, Haonan Ma, Jinbo Liu, Zhiqiang Wang, Kecheng Zhu, Ming Li, Hanzhong Jia*. Facet-dependent photo-degradation of nitro polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on hematite under visible light: Participation of environmentally persistent free radicals and reactive oxygen/nitrogen species. Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2022, 318, 121816. (中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF=24.319)

12. Jinsong Liu, Chi Zhang, Song Zhao, Kecheng Zhu, Jinbo Liu, Zhiqiang Wang, Yunchao Dai, Hanzhong Jia*. Deciphering the transformation mechanism of substituted polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on Al(III)-montmorillonite: An experimental and density functional theory study. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 786, 147493. (中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF=10.754)

13. Song Zhao, Ze Liu, Ru Zhang, Jinsong Liu, Jinbo Liu, Yunchao Dai, Chi Zhang, Hanzhong Jia*. Interfacial reaction between organic acids and iron-containing clay minerals: Hydroxyl radical generation and phenolic compounds degradation. Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 783, 147025. (中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF=10.754)

14. Song Zhao, Chi Zhang, Zheng Ni, Kecheng Zhu, Jinbo Liu, Yunchao Dai, Hanzhong Jia*. Optimized extraction of environmentally persistent free radicals from clays contaminated by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2020, 18 (4), 949-955. (中科院一区, TOP期刊, IF=13.615)

15. 赵松,刘晋波,石亚芳,苗铎,张弛,贾汉忠*,祝凌燕. Al(III)-蒙脱石表面B[a]P的转化及环境持久性自由基的形成机制. 科学通报 [J]. 2021. 66, 233-243.


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